Screaming At An Empty Sky

Screaming At An Empty Sky by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

In truth we despise the endless toil to fill our days knowing that we can’t stop the inevitable. That we are who we are. That we are what we are and there is only The One Way out. There is only one Truth that we must face. There is only one Life that we can live that will make all the endless toil stop – a life lived through Jesus Christ.

We are simply distracting ourselves from the truth. We are seeking all the comforts the world has to offer – we want it to never end – but the truth is – it only last for a moment. Consuming a distraction for each moment of our lives hoping that somehow it can last a lifetime. But it doesn’t. It never last long enough for the party to continue.

What value is there in something that doesn’t last? Another toke, another drink, another injection, another image, another TV show, another shopping spree, another exercise routine – another, another, another. Always another.

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Most of us do what we see others doing – covering up our pain. Our pain comes in many forms but some of the ones we know the best are shame, guilt and fear. We use pride to put on a happy face and tell the world the lie that all is well, I am strong and have no fear. We push pride to the front and allow it’s life long partner, ego, to drive the bus. Then we find something, anything, to make the pain stop. The pain, the pain always there. The pain never stops.

But we don’t believe in Jesus Christ or God. We just blame them for the pain we feel, for the suffering of our lives. We turn to the open air and scream – “you god, you did this!” Screaming at someone we don’t believe in. Blaming someone we don’t believe in and if we did believe in Him we don’t know Him well enough to blame Him for anything.

This god that is unknown is usually nothing more than a whipping boy for our pride and ego. We use pride and ego as a tool to tell the world we are strong and there is no need for god. We fool ourselves until we can no longer live with the lies we have built. We can no longer hold on to the last thread of our misery and blame the god we don’t believe in and scream obscenities at what we believe is an empty sky, completely devoid of heaven and a heavenly Father.

Our pleasures are replaced with bitterness. Our happiness turns to tears and what we thought was fun turns out to be nothing more than a habit that must be fed, constantly fed lest we forget and allow the horrific pain, now stronger and darker than ever before, lest we forget and allow that deep seeded pain to show up in the mirror, in our thoughts or in our hands. The pleasure is long gone and we are left with us. A monster that still lies. A monster that wants to be somebody else. A monster that can no longer bare the pleasure turned bitter.

“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. ~Matthew 6:28-29 NKJB

We don’t have to live this way. We don’t have to scream at an empty sky or lie about the unknown god. We can find joy, instead of happiness. We can have Life instead of make-believe. We can either live in the truth that our fear has been driving the bus, or our fear can be replaced with love. We can admit that our lives have not been the best and that we are not as strong as we thought we were.

Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” ~Acts 2:37-39 NASB95

We can turn our lives around and move towards a new horizon. We can turn back to God and let Him drive, let Him make decisions and admit that we have no power, except for God. We have no love except for God. We don’t have to live the lie the devil tells us. We don’t have to be a slave to the devil, we can be free in the Light of Living Water. We can cry out to God, repent and bathe in the grace and mercy that is God.

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